Well wait God come this year, dont forget shopping! Well, Laura Palotie, Lucy Liu, Namiko Abe, Davo, everywhere you are, red flower, Gong Xi Fa Cai! Gong Xi Fa Cai ! Kingplinger Bulettin, well, So fast home? Get a ride cofffe, make a friendship everywhere!
This is the rules! Everywhen must new, get rider phone! Do not no new everythink! From for order cloth, too sweating weapon, get! Get! Or everything. For dear, never death God, we go to a new clean paper, on calendar. Every step was evaluate, every move last year being past, so wait for a Barongsai fight, a party. Whae go to mail? Gong Xi Fa Cai ! Do not enter "phony phone ploe"Gong Xi Fa Cai ! This is a Note to dot! Dont accredit? So what happend? Come on a red! A red pockect waiting, that money coming! Have you package that? All grandson waiting, with a pick smile on dear face! Did you say to uncle, event your pet? A star? Wao that tales, God was give to human life, do you believe a year will be come again? Better you believe than not! Cause I will be crush by "fire flower" to the blowwr was ready, brr! Up town on space, no boom?! First, this is Country, not second opinion! Everyone must turn a red, new kept, newest! Cause a New Year is always do come, don't get sleep when A new year first sight step on your home. Every kindness kept , every goodness, event a lucky knock your door, knock right to point every heart too! Gong Xi Fa Cai !
Gong Xi Fa Cai ! Well living here or there is same why, every family must back home, event the failure too, sound get cheque! Home sweating a home, for homeless life, for was hurt who, poor where when, for who was who, for down do too. For every deep step, find do happy, dont foot never, or being do why what, sold out there! Gong Xi Fa Cai !Gong Xi Fa Cai ! In China lingua franch is "Old calender, trash! change new event that trash too!" somewhat why do not argue, or do not reason petition write on papirus. Stop! Objection refused! Got em-aim? Bao say dont get mess maybe just this day Bao say no cases will be open, got a mercy? Must new remember?! Kwan Im say please dial all fans! Bring, well a dynamic family, from a dragon, phoenix, mouse, hood, cats, grasshoper, event horse, well we get a New Year! Toapekong coming home with the excelent salary, the most you never dream, that why we trust Toapekong for divident, earning.
For Dragon who always damage a property is a red money, for hood, phoenix, chicken is who always get fight is red money too, for horse who always running away is red money, well mouse event always stolen, its alright red money too, who not yet please come in!sumber :Ground Report